Call for proposal under Flexible Grant
Information about CSSP2: Civil Society Support Programme Phase Two (CSSP2) is funded by the people of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, and Norway, and the programme is managed by the British Council, in consortium with Pact UK and Social Development Direct. CSSP2 is a capacity development programme designed to support Ethiopia’s civil society organizations to enable them to be capable advocates on inclusive and accountable governance for better equitable and inclusive access to services; and an improving environment for the promotion and protection of the human rights of all. To this end, CSSP2 is supporting Ethiopian civil society organizations through capacity building activities and grant making for CSOs to implement activities. Grant making, Capacity Development and Engagement are the core strategies of the programme that mainstream key cross cutting strategies including gender equality and social inclusion (GESI), Safeguarding, and Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL). CSSP2’s core thematic areas are Gender Transformation, Young People, and Citizen-State Engagement. CSSP2 uses Regional Hubs as a basic programme delivery unit. Human Rights Based Approach is CSSP2 core approach. CSSP2 believes and supports collaborative efforts among and between different actors for collective impact initiatives are also the key strategies and approaches used for successful, effective and efficient implementation.
Application closing date: 19 July 2022
Definition and Scope:
Flexible grant: is an opportunistic fund which will use principles of flexibility and adaptation in order to respond to opportunities (e.g. a new policy proposal by government) which arise. It will also enable CSOs to respond in a more sophisticated way to the needs of excluded people. For example, it may:
•offer more innovative support to the particular needs of Ethiopian CSOs;
•enable CSOs to better understand and respond to socio-cultural and institutional reasons for exclusion through legal analysis, gendered social exclusion analysis or political economy analysis;
•support more innovative ways to build the professionalism of the CSO sector such as professional internships for women within CSOs; and
•implement projects which respond to new government priorities (where they align with the overall objective of the programme).
Grant Size and Duration
Each grant size ranges between £ 25,000.00-30,000.00. The exchange rate to be used to convert the GBP budget ceiling to ETB is 63.90 for maximum of 8 Months period from August 2022 to March 2023.
Eligibility Criteria for applicants
In order to be eligible for a grant, the applicants must:
be a local civil society organization, and be non-profit-making,
Registered by authorized government body of Ethiopia (federal or region level) and have a valid registration license,
be able to demonstrate that they have experience in carrying out similar activities
have basic financial management systems (to be checked by due diligence assessment immediately after the selection of successful concept notes),
have proven track record and past performance (CSOs who have been funded under CSSP1 or CSSP2, CSSP2 proves the past performance under the CSSP grant),
develop and submit Safeguarding policy at the full proposal submission stage (if successful at the concept note stage)
CSOs who are currently implementing projects funded by CSSP2 are not allowed to apply in this call
Applicants can only apply separately, and coalition application is not allowed for this call
How to get Application Guideline and Application pack?
The CSSP2 Flexible Application Guideline and Application packs are available at Or, request via if you face a challenge to download it.
Please read the CSSP2’s Flexible Grant Application Guideline before you begin to write your proposal.
How to Apply?
A full set of application pack should be submitted in soft copies (word excel, and PDF files) to CSSP2 via by indicating CSSP2 Flexible Grants Application on the subject line of the email. If the size of attachments is larger than the allowable limit, the applicant must send the attachments in rounds; however, the subject line of the second email should denote CSSP2 Flexible Grants Application – Second Email etc. Deadline for application is on 19 July 2022.
For any enquiry, please send your request through; or Call to: +251- 11 617 4300 the Grants team.