
Genaye Eshetu

The Quality Education Strategic Support Programme (QESSP) aimed to enhance the capacity of the education sector in Ethiopia to improve outcomes for learners. We supported partners to implement reforms, enhance policy dialogue and improve the evidence base to inform education policy by providing technical assistance, management support and flexible funds. Our focus was on these areas: teacher education, school leadership, inclusive education, curriculum development, and system wide strengthening. 

QESSP was a four-year programme funded by UK aid from the UK government and managed by the British Council. The programme was being implemented for a span of four years and four months (2014-2019).

Our work 

We supported the Ministry of Education, regional education bureaus and other stakeholders in the education sector to: 

  • perform evidence-based policy formulation and analysis 
  • design, manage and implement reforms 
  • implement and co-ordinate programmes 
  • monitor and evaluate programmes to inform evidence-based learning, dialogue and improved policy implementation. 

Our approach 


We worked with the Ministry of Education, regional education bureaus and other stakeholders to build their capacity to plan, design, implement and evaluate reforms and programmes to improve access, quality and equity in the sector. 

We provided strategic technical advice to the Ministry through the secondment of a technical assistant and education advisers. Flexible technical assistance and funding are offered for capacity building interventions at federal and regional levels. Access to international best practice is provided through information and study visits. 


We supported education policy dialogue and the development of policy-focused briefs to inform and influence policy decisions. 


We worked with the Ministry of Education and regional education bureaus to support organisational change programmes. 


We supported studies and evaluations that promote a better understanding of effective interventions that improve access, equity and quality in the education sector. We supported the planning, implementation and reporting of periodic review meetings to monitor progress and impact. 



Genaye Eshetu


‘QESSP has supported the Ministry of Education to produce much needed evidence to inform decision making. Thank you for this outstanding work.’  

HE Dr. Tilaye Gete, Minister of Education of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia  



See also