Contextual Analysis training was delivered to the Horn of Africa Leadership and Learning for Action project (HOLLA) National Youth Network members from Ethiopia and South Sudan in Addis Ababa from 11-12 July 2017.
This training was prepared to instil a deeper understanding of the political economy of their countries and of the overall regional context in order to lead to a greater consciousness amongst young people and to help them to move away from simplistic ideological positions to more principled, nuanced positions.
These Champions from Sudan, South Sudan, and Ethiopia will receive a support from Kulana Liltanmia Programme. Kulana Liltanmia or the ”All Together for Development” programme, funded by UK Department for International Development is run by the British Council in Sudan and seeks to promote the capacity of people, groups of people and those who govern or otherwise influence their lives to talk and listen to each other better about matters that concern all citizens.