See the registration process for private candidates below:

Step 1: Complete your registration form

Complete the Cambridge school exams registration application online by clicking

Please ensure that your contact details and subject codes are correct.

Step 2: Pay for your exams

Once you complete your application online, you will receive a reference number that you will quote while making payment. 

We accept payments into the Commercial bank of Ethiopia at any branch of our bank account through Account no 1000004548446, Bank transfer (from the commercial bank) only, and Direct deposit (using a bank deposit slip) into the above-named British Council bank account. Please email us at or call us at 0116174300. For any quires that you have.

After completing your application and making payment, you will be required to submit the following documents via email at

To make any of the above payments you must quote your UID No: xxxxxxx seven-digit code in all reference fields that are available.

For candidates making payments via bank transfer, it is prudent to plan for an extra day or two for processing payments.

Failure to quote your UID No may delay your application process.

Please ensure you keep a copy of your receipt as proof of payment.


Each examination board has a normal registration stage for each exam session (see registration dates and deadlines). You may still be able to register for exams after this date, but you will have to pay a penalty fee.

Step 3: Submit your registration form

After completing your application and making payment, you will be required to submit the following documents via email at

• A clear passport sized photograph (not older than 6 months from the date of registration).

• A scanned copy of your payment slip.

• A scanned copy of your identification document that you registered with (Passport, National ID, Driving Licence, Valid Student ID or Birth Certificate for children under 18 years and don’t hold passports)

Please note you will not be allowed to attend an exam if you have paid but have not completed the application and submitted this along with all required documents to the British Council for confirmation of your registration. All documents must be received before the registration deadline.

Step 4: Registration complete

You have successfully registered for school exams with the British Council.

You will receive your Statement of Entry and information about your examination venues approximately three weeks before your exams.