How do I become an Addvantage member?

When you register candidates with us for Cambridge English exams, your Addvantage membership is automatically activated.

Benefits of Addvantage

Among the benefits we offer are:

  • administration of Cambridge English listening tests with infra-red headphones or with audio surround system
  • Cambridge English exams speaking test on a date of your preference 
  • a five-day extension of the registration dates
  • a relationship manager who will ensure that you receive the highest quality service 
  • invitations to British Council ELT seminars 
  • an Addvantage membership certificate, posters and window stickers 
  • the right to use the Addvantage logo in your school’s  promotional materials and on your website

You will receive details of your membership level and the complete benefits package at the start of each calendar year.

For further details please contact us at